Clinical Photography in Dermatology (LINK)
- Presentation by Dr Paola Pasquali, MD
- There are difference in taking pictures pre-pandemic and post Covid. Also mobile technology makes pictures easier to take.
- This creates challenges as pictures are no longer taken by primary care physicians, but by patients and everyone else.
- Practical advice will be given in this presentation in addition to insights anyone will identify with.
DICOM Standard for Imaging Data (LINK)
- Presentation by Prof Liam Caffery, PhD
- It stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- This presentation will be of value to specialists interested in Data standardization in Dermatology and Doctors and researchers interest in AI in Dermatology and Health data.
- DICOM is the standard when it comes to imaging and was used in radiology. It is now making its way to Dermatology and Ophthalmology.
- It is use in standardization of:
- metadata
- file format
- network service
- workflow services
- display callibration
Again standardization is key to sharing of data in health which is otherwise particularly siloed.