Metabolic comorbidities, treatment satisfaction and depression among psoriasis patients at RDTC (LINK)
- Presented by Dr. Doriane Sabushimike (Resident/RDTC)
- This presentation aims to Control three things:
- Is there a metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis in Tanzania (Obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, insuline resistance)
- Are patients with psoriasis sad ? ((depression)
- Are patients satisfied with the treatment they receive ?
Mass Drug Administration for the management of endemic scabies (LINK)
- Presentation by Emily Welch, United Kingdom
- Contents:
- What is scabies ?
- What is mass drug administration ?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages ?
Recognizing Leprosy (Presentation not available)
- Presented by Dr.C. van Hees (Leiden/The Netherlands)
- This presentation is about the clinical presentation, diagnosis and classification of leprosy lesions.
- There is also a case presentation.
Related posts:
Mass Drug Administration for the Management of Endemic Scabies
Atopic Dermatitis: Treating Itch and Biologics Review (2017)
This month’s selection of presentations: RDTC Annual CME (2021, 26th edition) (2 of 6)
This month’s selection of presentations: RDTC Annual CME (2021, 26th edition) (6 of 6)
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