How are patients feeling about computer algorithms getting deployed in Health Solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
In this study done by Caroline Nelson and colleagues, the authors surveyed some high risk and cancer patients and what their thoughts were.
What Patients think of Health Solutions using AI (slide by Dr J. Lipoff)
Patients perceive AI to be beneficial for increasing:
diagnostic speed
healthcare access…these the same issues and benefits of telemedicine overall.
However issues remains over:
a loss of human interaction
credibility of the AI system
data privacy.
When thinking of using AI in Health, one needs to be aware of these pros and cons so that they can be addressed and not become overlooked big issues.
Jules Lipoff, MD. Education for Teledermatology and AI in Dermatology. 8th World Congress of Teledermatology, Skin Imaging and AI in Skin diseases – November 2020